Alive and Well
The view south from my village.
Hey all,
Sorry about the delay on communication but as you can see, we don't exactly have broadband where I live. Georgia is wonderful. It is a very beautiful country and the people are very kind, humorous and generous. Right now were are spending alot of time learning the language (4 hours of class a day and then homework at night). Don't worry though. We also manage to squeeze in some fun too. Our group is really cool and I am fortunate enough to be geographically close to Erik and Paul , who have become good friends.
My host family is really cool. The dad plays guitar and we spend the quiet evenings listening to music and realizing how bad my Georgian really is! (hey it's only been 2 weeks!) I just realized that I have no idea what's going on in the world. While it is an odd feeling, I'm not really missing all the death, war, and violence that I would see on the news anyway. I know it doesn't go away when you turn off the tv but for right now, ignorance is bliss.
The food in Georgia is really good but somewhat repetitive....lots of bread, cheese, and soup. Cherries are in season right now and I eat a ton of them every day. I have home-made yougurt from our cow. I do miss real coffee (it's all instant here) so a good gift, if you're keeping track, would be a small french press and some good coffee would be awesome. I'll make more impassioned pleas for western goods in private emails...don't want this to turn into a begging board!
Well, times almost up and I have to get to the aformentioned emails. Thaks to everyone who all are in my mind as well. It's getting pretty crowded up there! Again, I am well and happy (smiling like the buddha!)
All the Best,
Hey Johnny.....the Mom says that she has a coffe press that is brand new and she isn't using. We will be re-gifting as this was a xmas gift many years back. She is happy to depart from it. I will send it your way ( with the folgers of course ;)
Ah, so the food is better their? Ha ha. Well i am sure you will miss the awsomeness of everyone in your class nibbling on Wendy's or Hot pockets!
-jay ration nilms
Yes... She does call her self other names... How ridiculous. <3
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