Thursday, May 03, 2007

I don't need anything...just this chair....and this thermos..

Hey All,
Yesterday I turned in the keys to my apartment after furiously cleaning for many hours on Tuesday. Despite my stresses over the last week or so, I was successful in getting rid of 98% of my belongings. That's right, it's all gone save some clothes and keepsakes. In a way it is quite liberating not to be shackled by one's possessions but at the same time it is a bit disconcerting as I'm not exactly helping the war effort by going out and shopping:) Still, I am at peace with my decision.

Many thanks to my friend Stacy for coming over on Sunday and lending a hand, to Chad and Kimmy, my neighbors, who took alot of stuff off my hands including all my beer brewing gear(boo-hoo)(they just bought a house), thanks to Sue for the inspiration for the title of this entry (she always 'moves me brightly') , and above all thanks to Joel and Maura for taking in a somewhat aged boarder for 6 weeks (beats living in a van, down by the river!). This will warrant a separte blog entry, no doubt!

There is still much to do in the next month and some days I feel alot like Sisyphus but in a few weeks there will be no more Portland rocks to push. Hope all is well with everyone.
All the best,


Blogger Peace1967 said...

The journey has just begun !!! So excited that now you don't have to worry about your STUFF ! It is only stuff after all :) Plus now your friends will send you more stuff.
Hope you look better than Steve does as the "The Jerk"

Peace Sue

12:03 PM  
Blogger Brenden said...


My wife Carissa and I are both G-7s... we just went through the possessions purge, and man, it is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I can appreciate everything you just went through... the hard part now is figuring out where you packed the stuff you kept. :-)

4:44 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Hey John: Sounds like you're making great progress as you pare down to move on. You're doing an awesome, life changing, thing that only few do. I'll definitely talk to you before you go.

4:57 AM  

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