Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Georgia is the offer...and The Dude Abides!

Hey all,
Last night my neighbor presented me with a whopping big packet from the Peace Corps. When I opened it, I found that I had been posted to Georgia. Not home of rednecks but of 'reds' (Stalin was born there) and now a NATO applicant. Funny how times change....
I had been waiting for my invite for a few months and was starting to get a bit worried. Now, as I stare at my invitee packet, I realize that what I set in motion last year has reached a milestone. It is put up or shut up time...and I'm going!!
An interesting side note....Today, around 2:45 PM, while I walked to get some coffee, it hit me that I will be leaving my beloved Portland. I know in my heart that my choice is correct, but I realized that I'll be putting my rudder to all I hold familiar and cozy in a few months. Soon I won't have a choice of 50+ microbrews, see $3 movies, read the WW, stroll to the Laurelthirst for some music, plunk the Sandy for steelhead, or hop in the car and drive for low tide at Haystack rock. In a way this is awesome. All to often we become so very comfortable and forget how amazing our homes are....even when things don't go well. So, from now until June I have in my heart not only the excitement of a new adventure but a renewed appreciation for all I've often taken for granted in this jewel of a city.
Georgia is a former Soviet republic that through the centuries has been ruled by Soviets, Russians, Muslims (Ottomans), Byzantines, Romans, Persians, and thankfully, now Georgians. For a history teacher this is a dream come true!! Challenges involve learning not just a new language but a new alphabet as well (check out the picture on this post). That is my greatest concern. I'm not worried about a different culture...quite the contrary, I'm really looking forward to it. Well, I have alot of research to do and lots of report cards to write as it is the end of the semester. If there are any current or returned PCV's that read this, please drop me a line with any info whatsoever!!
All the Best,


Blogger WilkersonMclaser said...

Hey, I'm a G6 working in an NGO here in Georgia right now and I cannot say enough how important it is to really soak up the goodness of home while you can.

Your time here will be interesting and fulfilling (in a manner of speaking) for sure, but there are some things about home that Georgia just cannot replicate or replace. Live it up while you can but mentally prepare youself to live without it.

Let me know if you have any questions about anything! We all look forward to meeting you and all the other G7s!


2:29 AM  

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