Sunday, April 15, 2007

Everything AND the Kitchen Sink!

Hey all,
Well, it has been a stressful couple of days. The quarter ended so I had oodles of student evaluations to write, had to prep for my massive moving sale, transfer some beer to secondary fermentation, continue to figure out what to keep and what to get rid of, and still do all my preps for school. We also have some German exchange students visiting the school, so I try to diversify my lessons which guessed it, more work.
So on Saturday, after my sale which was a dismal failure, I began to think, and think, and think, and then I began to mentally thrash about, stressing over all that isn't done and forgetting about what is done. Many thanks to Katie and Sam for "talking me down" yesterday. Today was much more focused and productive. And now that the horrible weekend (rarely do those two words follow each other in my life!) is almost behind me, I can now share one of those "if it rains it pours moments".
The woman in the apartment with which I shared a wall moved out a couple of weeks ago. On Friday I heard some workers banging about during the afternoon. I didn't think much of it as I was bushed from all my work and had tickets to a concert. I went to the show, (RR Earth is Awesome!), came home late and went right to bed for my early sale. As the sale spiraled into nothingness, I decieded to clean up the few dishes in the kitchen sink from breakfast.
Well, as I turned on the tap, it belched air, then rusty water, and then a trickle, and then nothing! I said, to no one in particular, "Are you F***ing kidding me!?" Well, that was the straw, I'll tell you that much. Today, with a clearer and more focused mind, I purposely lugged jugs of hot water from my bathtub (I guess it's on a different line, cause it works) to the kitchen to do my dishes and general cleaning. I guess it's a little bit of pre-pre-service training for life in Georgia!
I'll miss my apartment even though the living room ceiling fell in once, I've lost water service on many occasions, inexplicaple power outages, windows so thin they only have one side, the doorknob to the entryway that literally broke off in my neighbor's hand, nearly trapping us inside the apartment, electric heat so inefficient and costly I keep the place the temperature of an abbotoir (OK I like it cool), and a wobbly ceiling fan that only functions on "Low" setting, among other things....It's funny how easily we can adapt to adversity and how things that are not perfect in the conventional sense are comfortable and known in our hearts. I learned alot this weekend. Again, thanks to friends and family who provided comfort and insight!
Have a great week!


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